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Name not shown inside Patrol 4 October 9, 2024, 7:49 AM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 14. Elati Street, Caley Avenue to Ridge Road/Euclid Avenue, Broadway to Elati Street - Corridor Improvements/Enhanced Crossings
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Car
What is your age? 55+
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? Much worse
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? No change
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? I live on this street so no change in frequency of travel. Initial impressions are not favorable. The traffic bollards on Elati have introduced numerous issues, but I plan to observe for a few days before sharing additional feedback.
Name not available inside Patrol 4 October 8, 2024, 3:54 PM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 6. Elati Street and Lee Gulch Trail - 2023 Pilot Enhancement/Enhanced Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Car
What is your age? 36-54
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? No change
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? No change
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? I think the barriers put in at Elati St and Arapahoe Dr are trashy looking. Why not make that intersection a 4way stop?
Name not available inside Patrol 4 October 7, 2024, 4:25 PM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 14. Elati Street, Caley Avenue to Ridge Road/Euclid Avenue, Broadway to Elati Street - Corridor Improvements/Enhanced Crossings
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Car
What is your age? 19-35
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? No change
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? A little less
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? Part of this has been installed in front of our house. This will affect the snow being plowed in this area as they will not be able to reach that part of the street. It is very inconvenient for our household having this right in front of our house.
Name not available inside Patrol 2 October 6, 2024, 9:04 AM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 7. Prince Street and Lee Gulch Trail - 2023 Pilot Enhancement/Enhanced Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Bike, Car
What is your age? 55+
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? A little worse
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? No change
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? All the posts & barriers make it more risky
Name not available inside Patrol 4 October 3, 2024, 10:53 AM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 3. Shepperd Avenue and Gallup Street - Littleton Linkages Trail Study Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Other - I bike to work and have driven this intersection.
What is your age? 55+
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? A little worse
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? A little less
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? The design of this crossing is HORRIBLE! Note in my comments, I both bike to work and drive via this route. I am being civil and factual when I state the truth that I don't believe an actual traffic engineer designed this project. Traffic intersections must take into account both motor vehicle traffic and bike/ pedestrian use. I say that an actual engineer could not have designed this project because motor vehicle use has been rendered almost impossible. The right turn from Sheppard onto Gallup is so narrow that only compact cars may make the turn. Fire trucks, Ambulances, UPS trucks, Fedex Trucks, Amazon delivery vehicles or even family pickups or vans find this turn impossible to make without running over a pylon. I have spoken to UPS drivers who have the same concern about these intersections.
Name not available inside Patrol 4 September 30, 2024, 4:12 PM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 4. Lake Avenue and Sterne Parkway/Spotswood Street and Lake Avenue - Littleton Linkages Trail Study Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Bike, Car
What is your age? 55+
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? Much worse
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? Much less
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? Complete waste of money -> Instead of a beautiful park, you see visual pollution of white Poles.. Please note the dark on the poles where people being confused have hit them. Also, money would be much better spent on improving the road.. please drive the length of Sterne parkway.. its terrible. Please note anywhere these white poles are... note where people have run over them... Again unneeded visual pollution.
Name not available inside Patrol 2 September 28, 2024, 2:39 PM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 4. Lake Avenue and Sterne Parkway/Spotswood Street and Lake Avenue - Littleton Linkages Trail Study Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Bike, E-Bike, Car
What is your age? 55+
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? No change
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? No change
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? I live a block away. The white posts are overkill for this intersection. I loved the small town feel of this area and the excessive number of white plastic posts are an eyesore that ruined the relaxed environment. The speed bumps on Lake and the stop sign on Bemis are effective at slowing traffic. Please get rid of the white plastic posts. The white paint and signage are fine. The intersection at Lake and Prince is the REAL danger as many people cross Prince to access the Littleton Trail. Cars speed by on Prince at that crossing. There is inadequate signage, paint. An electric crossing signal is needed there before someone gets hurt.
Name not available inside Patrol 2 September 28, 2024, 10:50 AM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 8. Sterne Parkway and Little's Creek Park - 2023 Pilot Enhancement/Enhanced Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Car
What is your age? 55+
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? A little worse
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? Much less
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? There is an incomplete sidewalk network in this area at Sterne Parkway & Lake Street. This pilot program has created crosswalks that do not directly connect to sidewalks. So, this appears to be a "solution" in search of a problem. Furthermore, I believe the sea of white plastic bollards and crosshatch street paint is unsightly. Hopefully this is not the permanent "solution".
Name not available inside Patrol 2 September 22, 2024, 4:05 PM
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Bike
What is your age? 18 or under
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? Much better
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? No change
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? Please do more protected bike lanes and pedestrian crossings. They are great.
Dave Melchior inside Patrol 2 September 18, 2024, 6:10 PM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 4. Lake Avenue and Sterne Parkway/Spotswood Street and Lake Avenue - Littleton Linkages Trail Study Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Bike, Car
What is your age? 55+
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? Much worse
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? Much less
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? Waste of money - looks like a rat maze - can’t get my truck and pontoon boat through it - how about fixing the potholes on Spotswood St