What are your priorities for the 2017 budget?
The Littleton City Council and executive team concluded three nights of budget work sessions and developed a proposed budget that will be considered on first reading October 18 with second reading and public hearing scheduled for November 1. The $110 million budget for 2017 is focused on public safety and investment in infrastructure. Funds for street rehabilitation will be at an all-time high, increased by 32 percent from $1.9 million in 2016 to over $2.5 million to address street pavement maintenance and another $1.0 million for infrastructure improvements including sidewalks and traffic signals.
Some highlights of the budget include: four new police officers to respond to increased calls for service; more fire dispatchers on duty during peak call hours; a new Engine 14 and Ladder 18; pedestrian-activated flashing beacons on Mineral Avenue at Lee Gulch and on Prince Street at Little’s Creek; new playgrounds at Promise and Elati Parks; a new shelter, restroom and parking at Progress Park; and renovation of the ball fields at Bowles Grove Park. Downtown Littleton will see upgraded maintenance for sidewalks, ramps, crosswalks, and curb and gutter, focusing on Main Street and Alamo Avenue.
Citizens are encouraged to provide comments on the proposed budget by attending the public hearing November 1, by sharing their thoughts at openlittleton.org, or by tweaking and submitting their own budget choices using the city's new online budget-planning tool.
Direct link to Littleton's Budget & Financial Reports page (including the proposed 2017 Budget in full): http://www.littletongov.org/city-services/city-departments/finance/budgets-financial-reports
Outcome: Council adopted the budget at their 11/1/16 meeting
October 18, 2016
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