How often do you or people in your household use or visit the park?
When traveling to Jackass Hill Park, what is your mode of transportation?
What is your favorite thing about Jackass Hill Park?
Location/ease of access
Do you or people in your household regularly visit other parks in the area? If so, which one(s) do you visit most frequently (select up to three)?
Carbone Park
Horseshoe Park
Little's Creek Park
What is your primary purpose for visiting other parks in the community?
Informal use of open play area/unprogrammed turfgrass
If you or people in your household seldom or do not visit other parks in the area, what is the reason(s)?
Park amenities do not match interests
Which of the following statements best describes your vision for the future of Jackass Hill Park?
A mostly active use park with some passive/native park uses
Which of the following elements would you like to see included in the plan for Jackass Hill Park (select up to 5)?
Natural/native landscape
Concrete walking paths/trails
Basketball courts
Outdoor fitness equipment
Public art
Which of the following elements would you NOT like to see in Jackass Hill Park (select up to 5)?
Vehicle parking area
What concerns do you have about the park’s current state that this planning effort should consider (select up to 5)?
Poor maintenance/lack of trash clean-up
Please share any other thoughts, ideas, or concerns about the future of Jackass Hill Park.
No response.
OpenLittleton is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in OpenLittleton is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
In which neighborhood do you live?
How far from Jackass Hill Park do you live?
How often do you or people in your household use or visit the park?
When traveling to Jackass Hill Park, what is your mode of transportation?
What is your favorite thing about Jackass Hill Park?
Do you or people in your household regularly visit other parks in the area? If so, which one(s) do you visit most frequently (select up to three)?
What is your primary purpose for visiting other parks in the community?
If you or people in your household seldom or do not visit other parks in the area, what is the reason(s)?
Which of the following statements best describes your vision for the future of Jackass Hill Park?
Which of the following elements would you like to see included in the plan for Jackass Hill Park (select up to 5)?
Which of the following elements would you NOT like to see in Jackass Hill Park (select up to 5)?
What concerns do you have about the park’s current state that this planning effort should consider (select up to 5)?
Please share any other thoughts, ideas, or concerns about the future of Jackass Hill Park.
No response.