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How do you currently use Jackass Hill Park? What is your vision for the park?

237 Registered Responses



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232 responses
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237 registered responses

In which neighborhood do you live?

Response Percent Response Count
Golden West Park 15.2% 36
Overlook 0.4% 1
Shadycroft Acres 3.8% 9
Sunset II 18.1% 43
I don't know 11.0% 26
Other 51.5% 122

How far from Jackass Hill Park do you live?

Response Percent Response Count
Adjacent to the park 21.9% 52
Within 1/4 mile 47.7% 113
More than 1/4 mile 30.4% 72

How often do you or people in your household use or visit the park?

Response Percent Response Count
Daily 30.8% 73
Weekly 36.7% 87
Monthly 18.1% 43
Rarely 11.8% 28
Never 2.5% 6

When traveling to Jackass Hill Park, what is your mode of transportation?

Response Percent Response Count
Walk/run 77.2% 183
Bicycle 6.3% 15
Personal vehicle 13.9% 33
I do not visit Jackass Hill Park 0.8% 2
Other 1.7% 4

What is your favorite thing about Jackass Hill Park?

Response Percent Response Count
Location/ease of access 2.5% 6
Views to Front Range and the city 61.6% 146
Open views of the night sky 4.2% 10
Natural area 24.5% 58
Other 7.2% 17

Do you or people in your household regularly visit other parks in the area? If so, which one(s) do you visit most frequently (select up to three)?

Response Percent Response Count
Ashbaugh Park 12.2% 29
Carbone Park 8.9% 21
Charley Emley Park 26.2% 62
Horseshoe Park 4.6% 11
Little's Creek Park 8.0% 19
Puma Park 2.5% 6
Reynolds Landing 18.1% 43
Ridgeview Park 24.1% 57
Ridgewood Park 3.0% 7
Southbridge Park 11.0% 26
South Platte Park 40.5% 96
Writers Vista Park 51.5% 122
I do not visit parks in the area 5.9% 14
Other 5.9% 14

What is your primary purpose for visiting other parks in the community?

Response Percent Response Count
Walking/running/cycling/individual fitness 54.0% 128
Organized sports 0.8% 2
Informal use of open play area/unprogrammed turfgrass 5.9% 14
Playgrounds 13.9% 33
Shade pavilion use for gatherings or cookouts 0.8% 2
Passive use (i.e. reading a book, enjoying nature, etc.) 21.9% 52
Other 2.5% 6

If you or people in your household seldom or do not visit other parks in the area, what is the reason(s)?

Response Percent Response Count
Distance/travel 31.1% 38
Park amenities do not match interests 27.9% 34
Unaware of park locations/offerings 13.1% 16
Concern about personal safety 1.6% 2
Lack of quality facilities 1.6% 2
Lack of time 24.6% 30

Which of the following statements best describes your vision for the future of Jackass Hill Park?

Response Percent Response Count
A passive/native park 38.0% 90
A mostly passive/native park with some active park uses 19.8% 47
An even mix of passive/native areas and active park uses 8.0% 19
A mostly active use park with some passive/native park uses 1.3% 3
No changes - leave the park exactly as it is 30.8% 73
Other 2.1% 5

Which of the following elements would you like to see included in the plan for Jackass Hill Park (select up to 5)?

Response Percent Response Count
Natural/native landscape 70.9% 168
Traditional landscaping with trees and shrubs 14.3% 34
Soft surface walking paths/trails 48.5% 115
Concrete walking paths/trails 3.8% 9
Shade pavilion with picnic tables 13.5% 32
Panoramic viewpoint with benches 45.6% 108
Seating area(s) 10.1% 24
Playground 10.1% 24
Open play area/unprogrammed turfgrass field 4.2% 10
Multi-use field 1.7% 4
Pickleball/tennis courts 1.7% 4
Basketball courts 0.4% 1
Climbing/bouldering area 2.5% 6
Outdoor fitness equipment 2.5% 6
Public art 4.2% 10
Vehicle parking area 9.3% 22
Nothing, it's fine as it is 48.1% 114
Other 8.9% 21

Which of the following elements would you NOT like to see in Jackass Hill Park (select up to 5)?

Response Percent Response Count
Natural/native landscape 0.4% 1
Traditional landscaping with trees and shrubs 6.3% 15
Soft surface walking paths/trails 1.3% 3
Concrete walking paths/trails 19.8% 47
Shade pavilion with picnic tables 20.3% 48
Panoramic viewpoint with benches 2.5% 6
Seating area(s) 3.8% 9
Playground 49.8% 118
Open play area/unprogrammed turfgrass field 22.8% 54
Multi-use field 52.7% 125
Pickleball/tennis courts 80.2% 190
Basketball courts 83.5% 198
Climbing/bouldering area 31.6% 75
Outdoor fitness equipment 30.8% 73
Public art 11.4% 27
Vehicle parking area 37.6% 89
Other 11.4% 27

What concerns do you have about the park’s current state that this planning effort should consider (select up to 5)?

Response Percent Response Count
Surrounding property/neighbor privacy concerns 38.8% 92
Personal or park user safety 11.8% 28
Negative impacts to natural environment 53.2% 126
Obstructing views with park amenities 67.9% 161
Attracting large crowds/amounts of people 57.4% 136
Loitering/use of park after hours 48.1% 114
Poor maintenance/lack of trash clean-up 38.4% 91
Vandalism 19.8% 47
On-street parking/traffic congestion 39.7% 94
Other 12.7% 30

Please share any other thoughts, ideas, or concerns about the future of Jackass Hill Park.

Name not available inside Patrol 2
May 6, 2022, 11:26 AM
  • In which neighborhood do you live?
    • Other - The Ridge
  • How far from Jackass Hill Park do you live?
    • More than 1/4 mile
  • How often do you or people in your household use or visit the park?
    • Monthly
  • When traveling to Jackass Hill Park, what is your mode of transportation?
    • Walk/run
  • What is your favorite thing about Jackass Hill Park?
    • Views to Front Range and the city
  • Do you or people in your household regularly visit other parks in the area? If so, which one(s) do you visit most frequently (select up to three)?
    • Charley Emley Park
    • Puma Park
    • Writers Vista Park
  • What is your primary purpose for visiting other parks in the community?
    • Organized sports
  • If you or people in your household seldom or do not visit other parks in the area, what is the reason(s)?
    • Lack of time
  • Which of the following statements best describes your vision for the future of Jackass Hill Park?
    • A passive/native park
  • Which of the following elements would you like to see included in the plan for Jackass Hill Park (select up to 5)?
    • Natural/native landscape
    • Soft surface walking paths/trails
    • Panoramic viewpoint with benches
    • Nothing, it's fine as it is
  • Which of the following elements would you NOT like to see in Jackass Hill Park (select up to 5)?
    • Playground
    • Multi-use field
    • Pickleball/tennis courts
    • Basketball courts
    • Outdoor fitness equipment
  • What concerns do you have about the park’s current state that this planning effort should consider (select up to 5)?
    • Surrounding property/neighbor privacy concerns
    • Negative impacts to natural environment
    • Obstructing views with park amenities
    • Attracting large crowds/amounts of people
    • On-street parking/traffic congestion
  • Please share any other thoughts, ideas, or concerns about the future of Jackass Hill Park.
    • One of the best things about Jackass Hill Park is its simplicity. It would be a shame to take one of the most simple, beautiful open spaces in Littleton and transform it into another playground or multiuse space.
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