South Suburban Parks and Recreation and the City of Littleton are beginning a public planning process to explore the desire for potential improvements to Jackass Hill Park. South Suburban and Littleton hired the Architerra Group, a local landscape architecture firm that specializes in park and open space planning and design, to lead the planning effort.
The Architerra Group invites you to participate in a brief questionnaire. There is no pre-conceived vision for the park. The information gathered will be used to develop a vision plan for Jackass Hill Park that is driven by resident input and addresses the needs and desires of the immediate neighborhoods. This planning effort will include the portions of the park on both the north and south side of Sunset Drive (see map below).
In addition to the questionnaire, you are invited to share your thoughts in person during an event at Jackass Hill Park. Members of the consultant team will be at the W. Dry Creek Court cul-de-sac on the south side of Jackass Hill Park on June 16 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. to meet with residents and discuss the future of the park.
Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions about how you currently use the park, what you envision for the park, and how it should be used. Your input is vital in helping to shape the future of this unique space.
The deadline to complete this survey is Friday, May 27 at 5 p.m.