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Please Provide Input on Transportation Improvements Planned East of Mineral Station along Mineral Avenue

66 registered responses

What is your first and last name?


Which neighborhood do you live in?

Response Percent Response Count
Palisade 15.4% 10
South Park 26.2% 17
The Knolls 6.2% 4
Outside the project area 52.3% 34

If you would like to join the project email list, please provide an email.


Project Interest (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
I live in the project area 51.5% 34
I commute/travel through the project area 81.8% 54
I use the project area for recreation 80.3% 53
I visit friends/family/businesses in the project area 47.0% 31

Which of the following are reasons you would choose to travel by vehicle instead of walking or biking to transit or your destination? (Select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
I don’t feel safe enough walking or biking 25.8% 17
To save time 72.7% 48
Weather 66.7% 44
My physical restrictions/health make walking and biking difficult 4.5% 3
Traveling with small children or older adults 18.2% 12
Traveling to multiple/distant destinations 57.6% 38
No convenient transit route to my destination 30.3% 20
No direct/complete route on sidewalks or trails to my destination 25.8% 17
Sidewalks or trails aren’t in good enough condition 9.1% 6
Avoiding transit due to COVID 12.1% 8
I always bike or walk 4.5% 3
Other 13.6% 9

What elements of the transportation system make you feel unsafe when you're walking or biking in the project area? (Select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Vehicle speed 57.6% 38
Too many vehicles 39.4% 26
Proximity to roadway 37.9% 25
Turning vehicles 50.0% 33
No separation between bike lanes and vehicles 47.0% 31
No clear designation between bicyclists and pedestrians at crossings and on off-street paths 30.3% 20
Crossing at intersection 59.1% 39
Lack of sufficient time to cross intersection 15.2% 10
Narrow sidewalks 16.7% 11
I don’t feel unsafe 19.7% 13
Other 13.6% 9

Please describe in detail any safety concerns you have, including locations when possible.


Which improvements to the transportation system would entice you to walk or bike to transit or your destination more often instead of driving? (Select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Wider sidewalks 15.2% 10
Paved off-street path 51.5% 34
Clearer designation/separation between bicyclists and pedestrians at crossings and on off-street paths 30.3% 20
Buffer or vertical separation between bike lane and vehicles 43.9% 29
Safer crossings at intersections 68.2% 45
Longer crossing times at intersection 24.2% 16
Improved accessibility for people with disabilities 9.1% 6
There is nothing that would entice me to walk in the project area 10.6% 7
There is nothing that would entice me to bike in the project area 9.1% 6
Other 25.8% 17

Please share any questions or other general comments regarding the Mineral Mobility Improvements.


Please send me an invitation to the focus group (if you’d like an invitation, don’t forget to include your email address above)

Response Percent Response Count
Please send me an invitataion 55.6% 30
I am not interested 44.4% 24

How did you hear about this project?

Response Percent Response Count
Littleton Report Online email 37.9% 25
Received an email from the City project team 22.7% 15
Littleton eConnect 6.1% 4
City social media post 4.5% 3
From a friend 12.1% 8
Sign along the project area 9.1% 6
Other 7.6% 5
Name not shown inside Patrol 5
January 4, 2022, 3:20 PM
  • What is your first and last name?
    Mary S
  • Which neighborhood do you live in?
    • South Park
  • If you would like to join the project email list, please provide an email.
    [email protected]
  • Project Interest (select all that apply)
    • I live in the project area
    • I commute/travel through the project area
    • I use the project area for recreation
    • I visit friends/family/businesses in the project area
  • Which of the following are reasons you would choose to travel by vehicle instead of walking or biking to transit or your destination? (Select all that apply)
    • To save time
    • Weather
    • My physical restrictions/health make walking and biking difficult
    • Traveling to multiple/distant destinations
    • No convenient transit route to my destination
    • No direct/complete route on sidewalks or trails to my destination
  • What elements of the transportation system make you feel unsafe when you're walking or biking in the project area? (Select all that apply)
    • Turning vehicles
  • Please describe in detail any safety concerns you have, including locations when possible.

    The corner of jackass hill and mineral is dangerous for pedestrians when vehicles are turning. There is appropriate travel At Santa Fe and mineral for pedestrians and bicyclists utilizing the bridge and nothing else should be spent on that.

  • Which improvements to the transportation system would entice you to walk or bike to transit or your destination more often instead of driving? (Select all that apply)
    • Safer crossings at intersections
  • Please share any questions or other general comments regarding the Mineral Mobility Improvements.

    I think this questionnaire is inappropriate given the timing of the Aspen Grove rezoning issue. I am also very frustrated that the feedback is confined to a short period of time given the holidays. I can’t help but think it is purposeful.

  • Please send me an invitation to the focus group (if you’d like an invitation, don’t forget to include your email address above)
    • Please send me an invitataion
  • How did you hear about this project?
    • Other - Informal Interested citizens group
OpenLittleton is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in OpenLittleton is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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Questions below refer to the project area. Please focus your responses on the area shown in this map.

Are you interested in joining a focus group?

Do you live in the Palisade, Knolls, or South Park neighborhood? The city plans to hold a small focus group meeting in early 2022 to hear from local residents. The discussion will focus on which improvements would be most helpful for safer bicycle and pedestrian travel and how more people could be encouraged to walk and bike in the project area. If you are interested in participating in this short videoconference, please indicate your interest below to receive an invitation once the date and time are set.  

After summiting the survey here, please note location-based comments regarding existing safety concerns or other existing transportation issues and make suggestions for specific improvements on this comment map. An additional link to the. comment map can be found in the introduction. 

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